Man i ache... I swam today for the first time in eight years and all those little muscles that i never knew i had were crying out in pain. It was even worse as i haven't exercised properly for about a year (and i'm still lean and firm
As you might of noticed, i have changed my profile pic again to make me look more evil, well not really, i am still getting to grips with Photoshop, its just so damn comprehensive that it scares me!
I've been appling for jobs, might be working for the 'man', that being local government, the 'position' being the silver-spoon-fed, fast tracked, free blow-job, graduate program for promising politicians/tossers. I'm only really applying as i'd rather 'believe' i was doing something of benefit to the public rather than working for some private company probably photocopying all day like i do now...
Saw Lost in Translation last night, pretty good, amazing soundtrack, very sweet.I went with my 'love' and her being Japanese gave me a perspective of the film i wouldn't of seen otherwise, i.e. we only see the really touristy parts of Tokyo in the film and that it is really just one big stereotype, kind of like a lazy tourist guide, which i think was kind of the point of the film. Its a good 'hip/intelligent' date movie if anyone's interested.
Right i'm off to pine over said girl...

As you might of noticed, i have changed my profile pic again to make me look more evil, well not really, i am still getting to grips with Photoshop, its just so damn comprehensive that it scares me!
I've been appling for jobs, might be working for the 'man', that being local government, the 'position' being the silver-spoon-fed, fast tracked, free blow-job, graduate program for promising politicians/tossers. I'm only really applying as i'd rather 'believe' i was doing something of benefit to the public rather than working for some private company probably photocopying all day like i do now...
Saw Lost in Translation last night, pretty good, amazing soundtrack, very sweet.I went with my 'love' and her being Japanese gave me a perspective of the film i wouldn't of seen otherwise, i.e. we only see the really touristy parts of Tokyo in the film and that it is really just one big stereotype, kind of like a lazy tourist guide, which i think was kind of the point of the film. Its a good 'hip/intelligent' date movie if anyone's interested.
Right i'm off to pine over said girl...

I can tell from your pictures that you must have a terrible time with your weight