God, I love criticism, especially of things i like and pay money for, like this site, here's some choice examples i picked off Google of people wrting about SG.
'Constructive' Criticism
'Stupid' criticism
Hah, hope that makes interesting reading, i like self doubt, it keeps me on my toes.
Happy times may be ahead as i haev had the nod from a friend that i might be able to move in with him in central London! Finally i can make it SGUK meet ups! Problem is, this might not be until July...
My Anticipation has not been this high for quite a while...

'Constructive' Criticism
'Stupid' criticism
Hah, hope that makes interesting reading, i like self doubt, it keeps me on my toes.
Happy times may be ahead as i haev had the nod from a friend that i might be able to move in with him in central London! Finally i can make it SGUK meet ups! Problem is, this might not be until July...
My Anticipation has not been this high for quite a while...

I'm sure you're wonderful and sanguine.
[Edited on Jan 07, 2004 11:32PM]