So I'm at a goth bar called Idea, in Kobe, having a drink with a friend and talking to mama-san, and this guy comes back from the bathroom with nothing on from the waist down. He sits back down on the bar stool and keeps drinking. No one acted like they noticed, or reacted at all, really. Except for my American friend, who for whatever reason gets pretty freaked out by this and says its time to move on to the next place.
This is one of those weird things about Japan. It sometimes seems like such a homogenous society, requiring strict uniformity, like all the sarariman wearing the same black suits, but then you get some really eccentric behavior like this guy drinking without his pants on, and its OK. Maybe I was just sheltered, but I didn't know any places in New York where you could do something like this (OK, I also didn't know anyone who wanted to...just saying).
Anyone else seen similar strangeness wherever you are? Or is this one of those "only in Japan" experiences, like Kobayashi-san (photo), who has become a minor celebrity in this corner of Japan for this interesting look... (Then again, I remember seeing a guy at Idea, again, who sometimes dressed in something like a Little Bo Peep costume while he enjoyed a few drinks, then he'd change back to a suit and go home).

This is one of those weird things about Japan. It sometimes seems like such a homogenous society, requiring strict uniformity, like all the sarariman wearing the same black suits, but then you get some really eccentric behavior like this guy drinking without his pants on, and its OK. Maybe I was just sheltered, but I didn't know any places in New York where you could do something like this (OK, I also didn't know anyone who wanted to...just saying).
Anyone else seen similar strangeness wherever you are? Or is this one of those "only in Japan" experiences, like Kobayashi-san (photo), who has become a minor celebrity in this corner of Japan for this interesting look... (Then again, I remember seeing a guy at Idea, again, who sometimes dressed in something like a Little Bo Peep costume while he enjoyed a few drinks, then he'd change back to a suit and go home).

Looks like you're the only one posting in SG:JPN these days. Any recommendations for a day in Tokyo? I lived there back in '99, but that's a long time ago! I've just got 48 hours this time.
Hey man, sorry I didn't get back to you. I haven't been on SG in a while. If you are still looking for ideas in Tokyo, I have posted info on a few places in SG Japan and on my blog. I haven't found any really good S&M or fetish bars in Tokyo...probably just don't know where to look. Ive been to many, and they were kind of blah, unless you're dating one of fhe girls and make out with her there. The best girlie club in Tokyo is Tantra ( girls you can find in the city, including a few with nice tattoos. Just be careful how much you can go fast, but they are honest about it and won't cheat you, unlike many seedy places in Roppongi. I posted some info about goth and fetish parties. If you manage to hit one of those, they can be amazing, but usually strict dress street wear.