I just decided to go on vacation for a week. A week from now I'll be flying into Brussels on a cheap e-fare type dealy. Then the goal will be to find that delicate balance between seeing lots of stuff I've never seen before and relaxing. I'm thinking Bruges and Amsterdam are the likely destinations. Werd. I think maybe I should take more last-minute trips.
Ugh, what a long and boring week. But now the weekend's here and it's going to be, as one might say in my newly cheerful hometown, wicked pissa. Critical Mass, Really REALLY Free Market, Halloween party, Le Tigre. And I think the new band with ex-Born Against members is playing somewhere tonight. Now if I can only stay awake long enough to see them play.
New band with ex-Born Against members ?
First smile of the day !!!
Must Know More...
First smile of the day !!!
Must Know More...
Saw your post in the legal group...you're still at work at 12:15 am???? Good lord. Just one more reason I don't want to be a lawyer. Ugh. Please just tell me there's something worthwhile that will come out of this?
Btw, hi.
Btw, hi.
I still can't really believe they won! My mom was so funny last night. I think her mental image of NYC--like that of many non-New Yorkers who first experienced the city in the 70s, it seems--probably looks a lot like the New York of The Warriors. So she called after the game to tell me not to cheer for the Sox in public because "they're...
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Hello. I caught your entry in the mostly dormant legal peoples group. Just had to give you props for the great username. Mine . . . not so much. Clearly I didn't think about what the hell I was doing.
I saw you were in to roller derby, so I thought I'd let ya know I'm starting a roller derby group: Rumbling Roller Derby Girls
My god, what's wrong with me? I can't stop listening to that George Harrison song where he keeps saying "Hare Krishna, Hare Hare."
Goodbye online anonymity, hello sgworld.
Have fun!
Have fun on your little jaunt...