Ok I had a hint that I should write a blog from a friend on my latest tattoo. Please dont laugh and be gental this is my first time ( Ha Ha Ha). The pic be low is the last tat I got back on 22 Dec 06. And this tat I think best describes me. It has the spade in the back ground whichs represents the military. In front of the spade is a piston. I am a gear head and love the smell of racing fuel and burnt rubber. The piston has a mohawk which is cool. I had one before I came back in the Army. Behind the Piston is a set of cross bones as wrenches. My first tattoo which is the second pic. I got last March. It is a arm band with skulls on a chain. I am a big fan of skulls hell my old bodybuilding logo had a skull on it. I will have to put up a pic of it sometime.
My next tat which I need to email the guy that did my gearhead tat and talk to him about it. This one will be for my youngest brother who we lost back in 1998 to suicide. But this one will be of a grave yard with a tomb stone with his name on it. I want the stone to have a goth cross and a snake wraped around it. He love snakes. Behind it will be a grave yard with fog and a molsuim on a hill with a full moon. I have to make it scary in order to put it on me and it fits both my brother and I. I will post pics as soon as I have it done.
Later all!
My next tat which I need to email the guy that did my gearhead tat and talk to him about it. This one will be for my youngest brother who we lost back in 1998 to suicide. But this one will be of a grave yard with a tomb stone with his name on it. I want the stone to have a goth cross and a snake wraped around it. He love snakes. Behind it will be a grave yard with fog and a molsuim on a hill with a full moon. I have to make it scary in order to put it on me and it fits both my brother and I. I will post pics as soon as I have it done.
Later all!