So im living in Sudbury again.

Its pretty sweet. Im living with Jarrett, Amber and her boyfriend alex. aka Pappy

its pretty sweet. Lots of fun. We braught our one dog twitch down for now. Were going to be bringing the otehr 2 puppies down eventually. i hope. IF Jarretts "step-dad" lets us. He told us we werent allowed to have them cause he got...
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welllll Jarrett and i are in Sudbury.

Amber, Alex and i are all good now. Turns out that my ex lied to me about everything that had went on. So im pretty pissed at him. We saw him at his work tonight and he gave me and Jarrett a horrible look, then he saw Amber and Alex behind me and he got even more pissed...
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well, i broke up with Jarrett haha.

Last night he pushed mybuttons the wron way and i broke up with him lmao.

He is sleeping on his bed in the other bedroom and im on my bed in my room lmao. hes so fuckin gay!

so tomorrow night im partyinggggg thank fuckin god. wish Sudbury had parties like this. or wish ppl o partied with...
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pretty much
come back to sudbury.

we need to get drunk and be friends again.
so, ive officially established that im pretty sure i have the flu.

Jarretts def starting to drive me nuts.

i cant sleep!!!!!!!! :'(

i want to rip my hair out

Dogs take up to much room

I think i want a job just so i can have my ownnnnnnnnnnn space and be on my own away from all the ppl here

His step dad is...
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blue water = the best water.
so things arent to bad lately. i finally got the webcam working on this laptop..and oops tehe

i broke it already. its a built in one. its an Acer Aspire 9300 with the built in webcam. i accidentally uninstalled it and well, ive done everything i could and i still cant get the danm thing back.

Anybody know how to fix it.. leave me a...
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well well well....

Im back from Sudburyyyy.. Was only there for almost 2 weeks. Ended up bringing my two Puppies (Sunday and Jade) down.

Had to make a trip because my grandpa was in the hospital. He was literally 24 hours from death and last minute..he woke up!!! ISNT THAT THE CRAZIEST THING YOUVE EVER HEARD!!

I pretty much shit my pants. Well not really...
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omg... 10 years now since i saw the big nikel
i used to see that thing like everyday lmao tongue actualy kinda miss it now loltongue
So things have gotten pretty shitty..

im going to rant about stuff haha

The danm dogs wont let me sleep more then an hour!

Jarrett is kinda driving me nuts..

My camera is freakin broken

Cell phone Cam takes shitty pics!

Tiwtch and buster(german Sheperd) keep fighting!!

Im startvingggggggg

My Grandpas in the hospital and isnt going to make it so im off to Sudbury...
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You got laid. SCORE! biggrin
so, things are going pretty good out here. way better then Sudbury thats for sure lol


SPOILERS! (Click to view)

hmmm, i hate his guts

nahhhhh just kidding lol, things with him arent to bad these days.. weve been fighting a little more then normal but hey, thats how i roll lmao. Sex.. awsomeeeeeeeee lmao, it finally doesnt hurt anymore.. can you beleive it...
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glad things are going well.