Im back from Sudburyyyy.. Was only there for almost 2 weeks. Ended up bringing my two Puppies (Sunday and Jade) down.
Had to make a trip because my grandpa was in the hospital. He was literally 24 hours from death and last minute..he woke up!!! ISNT THAT THE CRAZIEST THING YOUVE EVER HEARD!!
I pretty much shit my pants. Well not really but you know what i mean lol.
Jarretts step dad has been super sweet latly.. He just baught Jarrett an apple Mac laptop. so that means i get this one.. thank god.. no more sharingggggg yay! lol.
He baught me a sweet pair of DC shoes. there white with a super cool ass design on it.
He allllso baught me the Ecko shoes ive been dying for.
i almost got a super sweet pair of timberland boots too but i decided i didnt want them. instead im getting them custom.
i want them to look something like this
so things are going pretty darn good. always gots money on me. always get what i want..
can i complain?? :S lol
best part is that i dont even have to ask..i didnt ask for anything..
i just say "oh those are pretty sweet"
he asks.."do you want them?"
i say " well it would be nice but....
then he says "get your size"
and then i smile and tell him thanks lo
so im back to Sudbury on the 19th(november) for a doctors appointment and then my baby sisters birthday which is the 22nd. so it will be pretty sweet..but boring at the same time.
pretty much dont have friends anymore down there. Every friend ive had stabs me in the back or makes plans and then cant follow through. c'mon now. were basically adults ..GROW UP!!
so not only em i going down next month, and december for christmas... but i might be moving back down there.. yay.
Jarretts got a sweet ass job lined up, i know some pretty good connections
*cough* DADDY *cough* lmao
My dads going to hook him up.
Jarretts pretty much said already that i dont need to work.
The puppies are doing good, there pretty much house trained. Jade is so much bigger then what she was when we first got her.
As for Sunday. Shes adorable lmao.i love that dog!
Anywho. im going to fix my laces in my DC's and has da sexies times lol
Holllllla lmao