soooo... There isnt really anything interesting that has been going on lately.. life is boring. well sorta..
Yesterday i was awake at like... 6ish and just as i was about to fall asleep my cell phone lit up and BAM it was amber calling.. it was weird.. usually she sleeps in.. so .. i answered to find out that she was going ot be at my house in half hour to pick me up.. so well i had to JUMp outtta bed to get ready .
We sat around her place eating freezes all day waiting for the guy to come and hook up the internet. He got there around like....... 1ish. He was realllly bitchy.. yikes! lol.. but yea at first he was telling us that he wasnt going ot hook it up cause STUPID SUGAR BLOSSOM chewed the cord for the labtop and the only thing we had that we could get internet acces off of was the xbox 360 lmao .. so he went down and got HIS labtop and when he got back.. he was a happy amber adn i were like.. WTF lmao .. ANYWHO.. he got it all hooked up and away we went on msn.. on the xbox lol. and then at 3 i had a appointment with my.... therapist... the whole time ijust bitched about how much i hate my step dad and that i could totally just take his head and smash it between a car door adn would walk away laughing.... ITS FUCKED i know lmao.. thast why i see her haha
anywho.. after that i came home adn just st around.. totally blew some guy off that i was suppost to go on a date with.. he didnt get it the 600 times i toldhi i didnt want to go .. so we exchanged some r rated words lmao .. but he got it in the end.. but then asked me to go today.... so i was like... ughhhhhhhh are you seriouse.. your dumb haha.. anywho lmao
Today was the nicest day weve had here in a looooong time.. adn guess where i spent it.. go on.. guess GUESS!!! haha.. i spent it in the hospital! lmao .. had to go for a follow up on my depression and bipolar ness.. and well we discovered the same as last time... THERE STILL THERE AND NOT GOING ANYWHURRRR haha.. and also that i have some other thing clled like.. skitzophrinya or something wierd.. basically i hear voices lmao hahahahahahahahah and see things that arent there .. :S im scureddddddd haha.. but yeah i spent a BEAUTIFUL DAY in the hospital... booooooo
So now im at home.. bored outta my mind.. MSG ME!!! SAVE MEEEEE!!! lmao
Yesterday i was awake at like... 6ish and just as i was about to fall asleep my cell phone lit up and BAM it was amber calling.. it was weird.. usually she sleeps in.. so .. i answered to find out that she was going ot be at my house in half hour to pick me up.. so well i had to JUMp outtta bed to get ready .
We sat around her place eating freezes all day waiting for the guy to come and hook up the internet. He got there around like....... 1ish. He was realllly bitchy.. yikes! lol.. but yea at first he was telling us that he wasnt going ot hook it up cause STUPID SUGAR BLOSSOM chewed the cord for the labtop and the only thing we had that we could get internet acces off of was the xbox 360 lmao .. so he went down and got HIS labtop and when he got back.. he was a happy amber adn i were like.. WTF lmao .. ANYWHO.. he got it all hooked up and away we went on msn.. on the xbox lol. and then at 3 i had a appointment with my.... therapist... the whole time ijust bitched about how much i hate my step dad and that i could totally just take his head and smash it between a car door adn would walk away laughing.... ITS FUCKED i know lmao.. thast why i see her haha
anywho.. after that i came home adn just st around.. totally blew some guy off that i was suppost to go on a date with.. he didnt get it the 600 times i toldhi i didnt want to go .. so we exchanged some r rated words lmao .. but he got it in the end.. but then asked me to go today.... so i was like... ughhhhhhhh are you seriouse.. your dumb haha.. anywho lmao
Today was the nicest day weve had here in a looooong time.. adn guess where i spent it.. go on.. guess GUESS!!! haha.. i spent it in the hospital! lmao .. had to go for a follow up on my depression and bipolar ness.. and well we discovered the same as last time... THERE STILL THERE AND NOT GOING ANYWHURRRR haha.. and also that i have some other thing clled like.. skitzophrinya or something wierd.. basically i hear voices lmao hahahahahahahahah and see things that arent there .. :S im scureddddddd haha.. but yeah i spent a BEAUTIFUL DAY in the hospital... booooooo

So now im at home.. bored outta my mind.. MSG ME!!! SAVE MEEEEE!!! lmao