well, today is my first ever blog. Not quite sure whattttt to say but hmmm lets start with my day and what made me come on hurr.
Well, my name is Stephanie, i tend to spend my days driving around aimously with some friends. Today my friend Amber and i had her friends car so we had some errons to run. She barged in at about 1030, woke up took a shower and jumped into what we call the ghetto cruiser cause well, its ghett. No powere steering and the exhaust is being held on by bungy cords. Just how we like them lol . im sure you can just imagine. T2 girls. driving this little car trying to take corners without power steering... not that easy lol. PLUS we like to kick it old school so today we were cranking what about love by the band heart and the song jizz in my pants..if you havent heard it.. LISTEN TO IT!! so we cruised around.. got nom noms cruised around some more, Cranked Heart and sang allll ovver the city yelluing at everyone we saw. Pressin g the horn randomly trying to turn corners.. i loveeee it. So, then we dropped me off she went home for supper i had izza with my friend and then decided i wanted to drnk a little..so thast exactly what i did. amber came over again with her friend and then we decided heyy amber..lets renew your old SG so we did.. then i got soooo hooked on it that i had to make an account. and well, here i em 3 hours later. Its 3 am and i cant seem to get away. The one thing im still laking...... friends!
Well, my name is Stephanie, i tend to spend my days driving around aimously with some friends. Today my friend Amber and i had her friends car so we had some errons to run. She barged in at about 1030, woke up took a shower and jumped into what we call the ghetto cruiser cause well, its ghett. No powere steering and the exhaust is being held on by bungy cords. Just how we like them lol . im sure you can just imagine. T2 girls. driving this little car trying to take corners without power steering... not that easy lol. PLUS we like to kick it old school so today we were cranking what about love by the band heart and the song jizz in my pants..if you havent heard it.. LISTEN TO IT!! so we cruised around.. got nom noms cruised around some more, Cranked Heart and sang allll ovver the city yelluing at everyone we saw. Pressin g the horn randomly trying to turn corners.. i loveeee it. So, then we dropped me off she went home for supper i had izza with my friend and then decided i wanted to drnk a little..so thast exactly what i did. amber came over again with her friend and then we decided heyy amber..lets renew your old SG so we did.. then i got soooo hooked on it that i had to make an account. and well, here i em 3 hours later. Its 3 am and i cant seem to get away. The one thing im still laking...... friends!