Well, I just saw that I was appointed by my favourite russian girl in this universe @ivylina (remember, the proof here.^^) and @wadewilson503 aka the real Deadpool ! :-) . I am surprised because I thought this game was reserved for female members of the site! lol! ^^ ( or I thought it was some SGhomework asked by @rambo @missy @charmaine and @lyxzen...
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The Japanese versions of the Star Wars (now defunct) Expanded Universe novels were way more kick ass than the original american versions.
And as you can see, the beautiful @marajade appear in some of these covers ! ;-)
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"Comme tu peux le voir, sur toi la rue a fait une croix, je t'ai crucifié dessus!"
More than 100 students killed in Kenya and 40 seconds report on the French television (and probably the same in some of the media of the world). We had DAYS of non stop coverage for the killing of 15 people in France. Pisses me off.
#JeSuisCharlie , no, #YouAreSelfish and #YouAreHypocrite !
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ENGLISH: There is a nice comic shop to visit in Paris. This shop is run by just one guy, the store is small enough but it is cool and friendly, just like the seller! Go for it! I hope the photos below you will give you envy to visit it ! :-)
Français: Il y a un sympathique comic shop à visiter à Paris situé...
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“Lurking in my corner I watch you from afar
Each of your gestures similar to mine
What do you think hottie?In this atrocious war
It unites us in khaki clothes
Like two newlyweds Our destinies are linked
Enemies by the life Married by the death
Your trigger fingerMy life is yours
My trigger finger Your life is mine.
The gun in the hand
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Ces phrases que vous avez forcément déjà entendues si vous êtes un lecteur de comics… personnellement, j'ai eu droit à quelques unes. ^^
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