... you must think first, before you move !
Follow Gabriel Levesque on Facebook & Behance .
[Français] Magnifiques images! J’adore le concept!
[English] Wonderful images! I love the concept !
My Links on Tumblr: Art / illustration / Fantasy .
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Photos by Asher Svidensky : http://www.svidensky.com/
[Français] Sur la première photo on peut voir et ressentir la complicité entre la jeune fille et son aigle! !-)
[English] In the first pic we can see and feel the complicity between the girl and her eagle! ! -)
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As seen on the Lean In Facebook page
Traduction Française/French Translation:
Darlene Hackemer Loretto : “Je ne cesse de répéter à mes petites-filles de sortir avec le geek de l’école, il deviendra peut-être a Mark Zuckerberg!”
Mark Zuckerberg: “Le mieux serait de les encourager à “être” le geek de leur école ainsi elles deviendront le prochain inventeur à succès!”
I personally don’t care about the controversy about the Oscars, probably because I’m French…^_^…but I’m Black, therefore I just want to say this:
1/ Apparently, between 90% and 95% of the members of the Committee of the ceremony are white men. They are not even able to make a true gender equity, you think they are ready to make racial diversity?Seriousmy...
2/ Tell me if...
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Oooh memories !!! 22 years ago, I liked enormously listen to this song when I was a child. I had completely forgotten. At that time there were still very few black people to be successful in the French music industry. I am happy to have rediscovered this song on youtube. So happy that I made you a translation, which I hope is correct! ^^
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In-Hyuk Lee on the web: Website / Facebook / cghub / Twittter / Pinterest
Links(follow me on Tumblr): In-Hyuk Lee / Hellboy / Hulk / Deadpool / Spider-man / Thor / Venom / Iron man / Wolverine / Marvel / All Comics .
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Follow Fss on the web: Youtube / Twitter / Facebook / Instagram .
Links(follow me on Tumblr): Rap-HipHop / Fss / French Rap / All Music .
There are a few days in a city in "Bretagne", in the western of France called Rennes (where the town now lives "Salma Hayek" <3), It there were some very talented photographers and of great beauty models that have decided to meet in secret to cook up numerous wonderful sets that will blow your eyes and your minds in the coming months !!...
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