The lovely @ancalagon tagged me ! This is time for my own homework , so here are 40 questions! ^^
1. Do you like blue cheese? A cheese colored blue ?^^ No , I never see that. Maybe in France this cheese have a other name! ??^^
2. Coke or Pepsi? I don't remember... many years I don't drink Pepsi. Maybe it's better than Coca ! ^^
3. Do you own a gun? ... Nope but my father was a cop and sometime I was curious about his gun ! ^^ I play with it (without bullets of course!lol) and he never know! haha!^^
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? I don't know what is it. ^^
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I remember that's was not bad! ^^
6. Favorite TV show? X-Files, Buffy, Games Of Thrones, Battlestar Galactica, Breaking Bad, Fringe, Banshee
7. Favorite Movie? "The Killer" (1989) by John Woo !
8. What do you drink in the morning? Milk or coffee or tea or water. ^^
9. Can you do a push up? what is it?
10 Favorite jewelry? I'm not into Jewerlry but I have a silver necklace with a pendant that represents Martinique that I love.
11. Favorite hobbies? Reading comic book, eating, drawing, watching series and promoting my favourites SG on Instagram!^^
12. Do you have A.D H.D.? What is it? ^^
13. Do you wear glasses? Yes, but I just have my right eye who is fucked up. ^^ The elft eye work correctly! ^^
14. Favorite cartoon character? Goku from Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z because I feel like I grew up at the same time as him! ^^
15. Three things I did today? I did the dishes, walked around the lake down the street and read an old comic book I had lost almost 20 years ago ("Darkchylde" by Randy Queen)! ^^
17. Three things you drink regularly? Tea, water and ???
18. Current dislike? have a crush on girls who live too far away, or who already have a boyfriend, or who are single but whose heart is for someone else (but never for me). lol
or not to see Paris Saint-Germain win the Champions league!^^
19. Favorite place to go? my dreams of Nightmare ^^
20. How did you bring in the New Year?With my bestfriend and my family at my parent's place after a year of travelling
21. Where would you like to go? Porto, Amsterdam, Paris .
22. Name five people who (you hope) will do this? @space_vomit (tu le rempli quand ton profil?^^) @ainoa @doune_ @once @midnight @gladyce @miyumiyu @marlene @vehera @leelou (choose only 5 people? are you serious?^^)
23. Favorite color? Black
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Just give it to me and I'll tell you! ^^
25. Can you whistle? No ...yes, this is sad!
26. What are you doing right now? I am answering these questions while listening to French rap of the 90s! ^^
27. Would you be a pirate? I would like to be a Pirate to remake Pirate Caribbean ... because you know, in Pirates of the Caribbean, I did not see anyone who looked like a Caribbean! ^^
28. Favorite food? pizza or fries or nems! ^^
29. Last thing that made you laughSeriously, I don't remember!haha! ^^
30. Last time you received flowersI have never received flowers. I think the only time I get flowers will be on my coffin.
31. Most recent injury? ....nope.
32. How many pets are in your house? nope
33. Worst pain ever? I think it was a sprain while playing football
34. Do you like to dance? no... I don't like to dance. (except sometimes in my story of my instagram! haha). Let's stop saying that all blacks know how to dance! lol
35. Are your parents still alive? Yep
36. Do you love your life? not really
37. Summer or Winter? Summer.
38. How many grandchildren do you have? Fuck, zero
39. Car or Van? nothing until I get my driver's license! ^^.
40. People Person? No, I'm the most shy guy, the most at home, the most associable in the world! ^^