Personally, even though I think people should be free to have a relationship with the person they want without having to justify themselves to anyone, I think this guy that's a good answer.
The relationship you have with the person you love should not make you hate who you are and where you come from.
I think you are right. The guys is right too. Date whoever you want, no matter where they come from and are.
I would expect the "racial reasons" for dating outside of your own likely have a lot to do with one's own expectations, and the expectations of others, whether implied or stated directly. Stereotyping is just as rampant within ethnic groups as without. These prejudices, minor or otherwise, arise in almost everyone at some point. My advice in this situation is the same as it would be in many others: talk about it with as many trustworthy friends as you have. People who will call you on your BS if need be. A different perspective is often invaluable in discovering one's own prejudice, if it exists.