Sandra Day O'Conner resigned from the supreme court a few days ago.
I was really surprized.
I always thought that was the chick from the terminator movies.
Now here she is, resigning from the supreme court.
I feel kinda bad for Cheif Justice Rehnquist.
All this speculation was circling around him.
She sort of stole his thunder.
Swept in there and quit before he announced any of his plans.
Although, I have a suspicion his plan for retirement is death.
They'll have to pry this gavel out of my cold dead fingers, Arrrrr.
... he could be a pirate.
I was really surprized.
I always thought that was the chick from the terminator movies.
Now here she is, resigning from the supreme court.
I feel kinda bad for Cheif Justice Rehnquist.
All this speculation was circling around him.
She sort of stole his thunder.
Swept in there and quit before he announced any of his plans.
Although, I have a suspicion his plan for retirement is death.
They'll have to pry this gavel out of my cold dead fingers, Arrrrr.
... he could be a pirate.