Good afternoon, loves.
Not feeling so well today, mentally at least. Hope you all have a better day. :)
Good afternoon, loves.
Not feeling so well today, mentally at least. Hope you all have a better day. :)
Happy sundies!
Which also means happy oatmeal bathtime for me at the moment. Ive been doing well with my resolutions. Still no cigarettes, fuck yeah! Continuing to better deal with stress as well, so, this bath won't hurt with that. 😊
Aside from working yesterday morning, and making groceries (😜), I've had a very lazy weekend, which I feel I deserve after the chaotic holiday
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It doesn't feel like a Friday, but I'm glad it is. Sick, again! Fucking Louisiana weather kills me. 76 degrees one day and 43 the next. I apologize for the New Years complaints but with my sinuses on fire, I almost can't find anything not to complain about.
Ok, that's a lie. I'm definitely looking forward to what 2014 has in store. I have many
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Did you lovelies have a wonderful Christmas?! I sure as shit did. My bro and little sister came over a few days before Xmas and helped decorate the tree, and those guys are swell. Went across the lake to spend time with my family, ate a shit ton of food, received some very lovely gifts, including a bath try, fully loaded with book holder, wine...
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Hey guys,
Go like my photo on the @hopefulsuicidegirls Instagram page and vote for me for the new profile pic, pretty please with sugar and spice ❤️🎅😍 💜💜💜
Merry Christmas!
Happy sundies and g'night.
Oatmeal bath time!
I've had a lovely weekend so far. My brother and sister came out to the city to crash with me. We (finally!) decorated my tree and watched movies, got blazed, ate the fuck out of some Christmas treats and had a jolly fucking time. I love my siblings.
Posting this from the tub, so, here, enjoy, and I'll get back to my...
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Sorry it's been a little, loves. Been a busy little Nolita this week and last, although I did close to nothing this weekend and it was a blast.
Friday was hectic as fuck, so I treated myself to a tattoo.
So, the Blackheart burlesque show was amazing! You girls really did an amazing job! Went to the show with Wit and got to meet Glitz,
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Morning loves! <3 I keep getting booted off the inter webs, so I'll keep this short and sweet. So EXCITED for the SG Blackheart Burlesque show tomorrow night! Can't fucking wait!
Having trouble uploading photos at the moment, but I'll have some lovely pics of the show for you Friday.
Since my only coworker was let go, this might be my only downtime today, so...
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Happy weekend! Sorry it's been a while, loves. Busy week, but this weekend has been lovely. Went to happy hour at the Oz Friday to celebrate with my roommate, who graduated recently, ended up winning a bar tab and some other goodies, got drunk as fudge and ate a shit ton of good food, rode around in a petti cab like a tourist, and crashed
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