It doesn't feel like a Friday, but I'm glad it is. Sick, again! Fucking Louisiana weather kills me. 76 degrees one day and 43 the next. I apologize for the New Years complaints but with my sinuses on fire, I almost can't find anything not to complain about.
Ok, that's a lie. I'm definitely looking forward to what 2014 has in store. I have many resolutions, reasonable ones, mainly to better myself and continue to view the world in a positive way. And you'll be pleased to hear that my last cigarette was before the stroke of midnight, New Year's Eve. One day at a time, I got this shit.
I also plan on buying a house this year, and we have one in mind, I just have to get my ducks in a row. It also helps that I've worked in banking for 4 1/2 years, in that I already have tons of what most people would deem useless information pertaining to lending and real estate, so I have an edge there.
Anyway, more on that later. I hope everyone has a great weekend and wonderful start to 2014!