The weather is cold and rainy. I'm in denial about it. Yesterday when it was similar I walked around in flip flops and a short sleeve t-shirt, freezing my ass off. I'm blaming my mood shift on the cold, grey light too. I've been feeling kind of weird, kind of sad, and it may have all started with some superstitious shit that happened yesterday.
I was reading a story in a Analysis of Literature, Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" and one of the old men talked about how he'd participated in the lottery for seventy-seven years. Then I looked up, and saw the numbers on my friend Will's football jersey -- 77. Seven is my unlucky number. One time I was playing poker and lost one of the biggest sums of money on the very last hand, my full house beaten by four sevens. I know the appearance of four of a kind usually signifies something when you are reading cards, so I consulted some of my divinatory resources and found that four sevens is a warning that the client will feel total isolation and alienation. At the time I kind of thought it amusing, because I was in a pretty good mood. Maybe the suggestion was planted in my subconcious and played around with my mood for the rest of the day, because I started to feel shitty, just like the foretelling. Maybe the appearance of the first four sevens was coincidence (which I say facetiously to humor the skeptics; I don't believe in coincidence), but later that evening my girlfriend told me how eerie all of this was because she is doing a dance with another really good friend of mine called "Seven Cubed". It is supposed to represent the connection that females can develop with one another, romantic and otherwise, that men are completely isolated from. So think what you will. I'm still not entirely sure what to make of all this.
I dyed my hair an aquamarine sort of color. It looks pretty much the way I expected it to, but I'm not sure I'm happy with it. It is supposed to be rainy for the rest of the week. I'm really going to have to plant my feet firmly and be a sanctuary unto myself, until the sunshine and warmth returns.
I was reading a story in a Analysis of Literature, Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" and one of the old men talked about how he'd participated in the lottery for seventy-seven years. Then I looked up, and saw the numbers on my friend Will's football jersey -- 77. Seven is my unlucky number. One time I was playing poker and lost one of the biggest sums of money on the very last hand, my full house beaten by four sevens. I know the appearance of four of a kind usually signifies something when you are reading cards, so I consulted some of my divinatory resources and found that four sevens is a warning that the client will feel total isolation and alienation. At the time I kind of thought it amusing, because I was in a pretty good mood. Maybe the suggestion was planted in my subconcious and played around with my mood for the rest of the day, because I started to feel shitty, just like the foretelling. Maybe the appearance of the first four sevens was coincidence (which I say facetiously to humor the skeptics; I don't believe in coincidence), but later that evening my girlfriend told me how eerie all of this was because she is doing a dance with another really good friend of mine called "Seven Cubed". It is supposed to represent the connection that females can develop with one another, romantic and otherwise, that men are completely isolated from. So think what you will. I'm still not entirely sure what to make of all this.
I dyed my hair an aquamarine sort of color. It looks pretty much the way I expected it to, but I'm not sure I'm happy with it. It is supposed to be rainy for the rest of the week. I'm really going to have to plant my feet firmly and be a sanctuary unto myself, until the sunshine and warmth returns.
i cant until i graduate.
ty, are things going?