Over the break I read this book by a guy named Viktor Frankl. He was a psychiatrist that was in a concentration camp during WWII, and it goes without saying that he had a lot of interesting insights into the nature of human suffering. One of the things he talked about was how the most dangerous threat to a human spirit is the loss of sight of some goal or meaning in the future. He would talk about how when he saw guys he knew in the camp smoking their own cigarettes (which apparently was a no-no) he knew they had given up. They stopped believing that any kind of rescue or escape was going to come and just wanted to die enjoying some kind of comfort before they went out. I'm starting to worry that I'm becoming one of those guys who smokes his own cigarettes.
I was feeling pretty down about this stupid-ass fine that the Housing Department on campus gave me and I couldn't get any sleep last night. I turned on the glowing alter of my generation, the television, for some spiritual guidance and I watched this show called "Predators at War" on National Geographic. It was amazing how watching leopards, hyenas, and lions fight over food made me feel a whole lot better. Without a doubt my favorite animal featured was the African Wild Dog though. African Wild Dogs form these very unified and tactical societies and will defend their turf against any predator no matter how large. They're these cute little dogs with huge ears and I watched three or four of them chase a fucking panther up a tree.
After a six hour game of Axis and Allies, Japan now rules most of the known world with its unstoppable army of giant robots. As the Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun, I would like to announce some changes that will be made. The United States of America will be disbanded and renamed "Project Super-Happy-Fun-Time S class". Television networks will only be permitted to air Super Milk Chan, 24 hours a day/7 days a week. The US, British, and Russian flags will be replaced with Domokun banners and we will be picking two places in the US to randomly get the fuck bombed out of it. What goes around comes around. Emperor Takazawhashimotonomobudokawa-san, signing off.
I was feeling pretty down about this stupid-ass fine that the Housing Department on campus gave me and I couldn't get any sleep last night. I turned on the glowing alter of my generation, the television, for some spiritual guidance and I watched this show called "Predators at War" on National Geographic. It was amazing how watching leopards, hyenas, and lions fight over food made me feel a whole lot better. Without a doubt my favorite animal featured was the African Wild Dog though. African Wild Dogs form these very unified and tactical societies and will defend their turf against any predator no matter how large. They're these cute little dogs with huge ears and I watched three or four of them chase a fucking panther up a tree.
After a six hour game of Axis and Allies, Japan now rules most of the known world with its unstoppable army of giant robots. As the Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun, I would like to announce some changes that will be made. The United States of America will be disbanded and renamed "Project Super-Happy-Fun-Time S class". Television networks will only be permitted to air Super Milk Chan, 24 hours a day/7 days a week. The US, British, and Russian flags will be replaced with Domokun banners and we will be picking two places in the US to randomly get the fuck bombed out of it. What goes around comes around. Emperor Takazawhashimotonomobudokawa-san, signing off.
what can you learn from the dogs of africa?