Recently I have come to believe that I have found enlightenment. At first when I considered the possibility I doubted that someone who is as young as I am, living in the society that I do, without having the disciplined training that some monks do, could have reached such a state. But then I realized all along that my texts have been telling me that it is possible. I had at some point, despite having read it time and time again, missed one of the most important lessons that they were teaching. Since then, there have been moments of slipping into unconsciousness, but I am constantly improving my ability to bring my Presence and consciousness to the forefront, to control what was once only the shambling of dreamer unable to awaken from the nightmares he had created for himself.
Acceptance of all that is, most importantly of myself, is finally beginning to set in. So much understanding is beginning to awaken in me, like the beautiful dawning of a new day. For a long time I have not been able to accept myself, to accept what I do, what I feel, what I love and what I don't, always thinking that something should be different, that I should somehow change. Then, somehow, there came the realization that I do change, and yet at the same time what I am is integral to all of the world around me, that other may accomplish many other things that I will never similarly be able to accomplish, but that the function that I serve towards them is as irrefutably as neccessary to the vitality of the world. So it is with everyone. We are all individual, and support one another as part of the whole.
"I have arrived, I am home"
-Thich Nhat Hanh
Acceptance of all that is, most importantly of myself, is finally beginning to set in. So much understanding is beginning to awaken in me, like the beautiful dawning of a new day. For a long time I have not been able to accept myself, to accept what I do, what I feel, what I love and what I don't, always thinking that something should be different, that I should somehow change. Then, somehow, there came the realization that I do change, and yet at the same time what I am is integral to all of the world around me, that other may accomplish many other things that I will never similarly be able to accomplish, but that the function that I serve towards them is as irrefutably as neccessary to the vitality of the world. So it is with everyone. We are all individual, and support one another as part of the whole.
"I have arrived, I am home"
-Thich Nhat Hanh
Yes little grasshopper you have done well, but there is MUCH more to learn!