This is my third year in college, and I'm probably only half-way through when you consider the double-major and the education minor. I spent the last couple of hours fantasizing about being in a car crash before I became compelled to start reading Fight Club again, and this is when I discovered the sum of what I have learned after over $60k and three years of my life. I know how to underline shit in a book. I can't help but wonder, how did I get this way? Have I always been this way, feeling like this during nearly every waking hour of my life? There has to be a remedy. There has to be a solution. There has to be some way to stop feeling like shit. My biggest paranoia right now is that somehow the world that I inhabit has somehow been intentionally designed to nurture this sort of programming in people.
More Blogs
Monday Jun 02, 2008
NYC was pretty sweet. I didn't do a lot of the traditional first-tim… -
Saturday May 24, 2008
All these fucking politics are wearing me out. Part of me just wants… -
Wednesday Apr 16, 2008
The last month or so has been a time of unprecedented awesomeness for… -
Friday Feb 22, 2008
What is there to say really? I'm keeping everyone at arms length. I… -
Monday Jan 28, 2008
I've been thinking more and more about the idea of doing away with my… -
Friday Jan 25, 2008
I'm still here, every now and then. I'm not missing it much though. … -
Thursday Jan 10, 2008
Yesterday I got into a strange, turbulent, and emotional kind of mini… -
Wednesday Jan 09, 2008
I finally got around to checking my grades from last semester, and af… -
Saturday Jan 05, 2008
Again, I've spent a great portion of my night recapturing the awesome… -
Friday Jan 04, 2008
Couldn't shake a strange, desperate feeling yesterday. It was my day…