Classes have started back, and this school year seems as if it is going to be odd. I've been taking notice of social patterns, and it seems that there are a lot more cliques, and a lot less general friendliness with the new crop of students than there was in my previous years. Also, there is a trend that I'm trying to shatter that I have come to call the "How was your summer?" syndrome. This is the nonsensical thing that most people say to each other when they haven't seen one another in a long time, and really don't want to put any thought into conversation. It's the same thing that happens when you walk by someone, and they ask how you are, and you reply "fine" or "good" or "blahblah" or whatever the fuck ever. No more mindless conversations will take place, at least not with me. My summer wasn't all that interesting, but I'll make some shit up before I say "It was okay" to another person. I don't want to be a walking pattern. I don't want to walk away from a conversation with someone, feeling as if I haven't really said anything of value at all. People deserve quality interaction with one another, and if you don't give it out, don't expect it in return.
How was your summer?
Congradulations for taking the xtra effort! The problem is that quite often youll find their eyes glazing over instead of yours....zzzzzzzzz. You wont know if theres a treasure of conversation waitng to be released untill youve pryed a little.