NYC was pretty sweet. I didn't do a lot of the traditional first-time-in-New-York stuff, but I did eat at a restaurant staffed by ninjas. It was expensive, and not very filling, and I went to a diner afterwards and got a burger. What can I say? I'm a simple creature with simples needs.
I also went to see "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Unnecessary Remake." It was about what any fan of Spielberg/Lucas fans would expect if they had been watching any of the other lukewarm crap their companies have put out over the last decade. But a real fight broke out in the theater over who was kicking who's chair, so that was awesome. An usher had to come break it up and everything.
My favorite thing was that I didn't have to drive anywhere. I love the fact that public transportation is so prominent and appreciated there. I don't think I'm ready to live there yet, but come December I will be. I'll face it like any other prospect that worries me, by diving into it headfirst.
It was really great to just spend time with my girl. We had a really good time together, even though we really didn't do that many activities. We went to the Ninja place, and to the comic store, and that was about it. We spent some time at her apartment and watched "3:10 to Yuma" and it was generally a really good time.
I also went to see "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Unnecessary Remake." It was about what any fan of Spielberg/Lucas fans would expect if they had been watching any of the other lukewarm crap their companies have put out over the last decade. But a real fight broke out in the theater over who was kicking who's chair, so that was awesome. An usher had to come break it up and everything.
My favorite thing was that I didn't have to drive anywhere. I love the fact that public transportation is so prominent and appreciated there. I don't think I'm ready to live there yet, but come December I will be. I'll face it like any other prospect that worries me, by diving into it headfirst.
It was really great to just spend time with my girl. We had a really good time together, even though we really didn't do that many activities. We went to the Ninja place, and to the comic store, and that was about it. We spent some time at her apartment and watched "3:10 to Yuma" and it was generally a really good time.
Anyways sounds like you spent your NYC trip much better than doing the classic touristy things. Glad you had a good trip.
Movies theaters are dangerous places i guess. My friends mom didn't get to finish LOTR cause someone got shot in the theater. Some gangsta nerds out there I guess.