Someone bought me a gift account, anonymously, so I've come back around to see if maybe that person resurfaces and to find out why. I'm always drawn in by the mysterious, I suppose.
Well, it gets to this point every couple of years or so. Here I am again. I'm not getting what I want out of a situation. I'm not getting something nourishing out of a routine. I spend more time on the internet reading silly crap and arguing with people on forums than I do digging up anything really enlightening and talking to the people who...
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Oh what a cop out.
i did the same thing. you'll come back....... they always come back.
It is said that a magician is his own worst enemy, and a victory over one's self is the greatest victory. I'm finding this maxim to be more and more true. After realizing that my habit of playing a certain game is devouring most of my spare time and life energy, with little to no reward for the price I pay, I have decided to...
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Hey, you can create new BETTER habits if you want... the trick is just to do them enough to get used to it! Well, that's what a habit is, right?
Good luck with everything!

Good luck with everything!
We're all creatures of habit. The trick is to know when plain old habit crosses the line into addiction.
Without knowing what this game is, I can't comment on where you're at with this. Is it something that only wastes your time, or is it something like online poker or another form of gambling that can lead to a destructive situation?
On the other hand, it's probably none of my business.
Without knowing what this game is, I can't comment on where you're at with this. Is it something that only wastes your time, or is it something like online poker or another form of gambling that can lead to a destructive situation?
On the other hand, it's probably none of my business.
Last night I had a really shitty dream about my ex-girlfriend. In it, I went to see her in New York as kind of a last stand to try and win her back, and she was already seeing another guy. I woke up and I felt kind of groggy about it all, and then I just started laughing. That's right. I laughed and laughed. Laughter...
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Dealing with sadness and adversity are among the most difficult things a person has to contend with. If you find something that works for you, treasure it. It's a priceless gift.
Yes, the Sox got Ken Griffey, Jr. As I've said in various baseball related groups and threads, I don't see this as a helpfull move. They're in need of pitching most of all. Their pitching success got them into first place for quite a while. The collapse of their middle relief and their erratic starting pitching lately are the main contributors to their current struggles.
Yes, the Sox got Ken Griffey, Jr. As I've said in various baseball related groups and threads, I don't see this as a helpfull move. They're in need of pitching most of all. Their pitching success got them into first place for quite a while. The collapse of their middle relief and their erratic starting pitching lately are the main contributors to their current struggles.
Thank you 

So the other day I started having magical revelations while I was taking my morning walk, and I started thinking about how so many of my favorite writers are both British and magicians, so I bought a lot of books on chaos magic. I appreciate the concept of it because it seems to embody a spirit of do-it-yourself religion, but there is a deeper and...
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Thank you for your inspirational post. You're right. My wife, her name is Annette, will always be with me in spirit and will live through my daughters. They've grown up to be decent, caring and loving individuals. I attribute these qualities directly to their upbringing.
Annette was a great wife and mother. My older daughter is exhibiting those same traits while raising my two grandchildren. She was a schoolteacher before taking a break to be a full time mom.
My younger daughter is single. She's a schoolteacher also and loves kids. I'm really proud of both of them.
Annette was a great wife and mother. My older daughter is exhibiting those same traits while raising my two grandchildren. She was a schoolteacher before taking a break to be a full time mom.
My younger daughter is single. She's a schoolteacher also and loves kids. I'm really proud of both of them.
Haha. Thanks. It has been quite a while. How have you been?
Last night I had an unusual dream. Actually, when you break down the psychology of it, it is pretty straightforward. I was some kind of "thing" in human clothing. Be it demon or vampire or werewolf, whatever. I knew I couldn't die, and I knew no harm could come to me from mortal hands. I met this girl, and I suspected she was like me,...
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ha and for some reason girls insist on having it around.
If you do check it out, tell me what you think of What Is It? I got a little lost and I could use chatting with someone else who has seen it.

Things haven't changed, but I don't feel really fucked up over it anymore. I think this is a record setting recovery time for me. I've kept trying to talk to the girl about the situation, about whether or not things are salvageable. I still strongly believe that she really loves me in the real sense of the world, but she's acted really pessimistic about even...
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Sounds like you're trying to make the best of a painful situation. Reality can be hard to accept sometimes. Believe me, I know. It's obvious that you're an intelligent person, although when it comes to love in any form, intelligence sometimes is thrown to the wind and emotions rule. Time is the key. It's supposed to heal all wounds. I hope that will be the case for you very soon.
I downloaded Firefox, in fact I did it twice just in case I screwed up the first time, (I'm so freaking clueless when it comes to anything involving computers). I'm still having the same problem. I know how important it is to have the "Member Name" insert working. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
Regardless, I appreciate your attempt to help me.
I downloaded Firefox, in fact I did it twice just in case I screwed up the first time, (I'm so freaking clueless when it comes to anything involving computers). I'm still having the same problem. I know how important it is to have the "Member Name" insert working. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
Regardless, I appreciate your attempt to help me.
You are so much deeper than I...
I'm crying my eyes out as I write this. My relationship went from fine to suddenly falling apart over a matter of one day. One moment I'm in New York visiting my girlfriend, and the next I'm home reading an e-mail about how she isn't ready to live five months.
I guess it's understandable. No it's not. Nothing is understandable to me. I don't...
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I guess it's understandable. No it's not. Nothing is understandable to me. I don't...
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I'm so sorry. I can't presume to know anything about your situation, but I do hope that everything falls together in a way that is best for you.
I really feel you, my good friend. There are so many ways to lose someone you love and/or care about. It's happened to me a number of times in my life. Sometimes it's permanent, in my case due to the passing of my best friend eight years ago, and of my wife almost three years ago.
Sometimes a loss can be reversed. I thought I lost someone who meant so much to me forever, about a month ago. Gradually, we began communicating again, although we are not at the same plateau that we were at the time she ended our relationship originally. As long as the lines of communication are open between us, only time will tell if things will get back to some semblance of what they were before.
Hopefully, a similar scenario will come to pass for you in time. I obviously don't know where the two of you left things. The only thing i can do is express my sincerest hope that things can be worked out between you two. I hope so, if that is what you want. In the meantime, try to be strong.
Best wishes.
Sometimes a loss can be reversed. I thought I lost someone who meant so much to me forever, about a month ago. Gradually, we began communicating again, although we are not at the same plateau that we were at the time she ended our relationship originally. As long as the lines of communication are open between us, only time will tell if things will get back to some semblance of what they were before.
Hopefully, a similar scenario will come to pass for you in time. I obviously don't know where the two of you left things. The only thing i can do is express my sincerest hope that things can be worked out between you two. I hope so, if that is what you want. In the meantime, try to be strong.
Best wishes.
Today whilst I was walking, listening to music, and dreaming up stories I started thinking about how much mysticism is still prevalent in my life and I've decided to scar my body in honor of it all.
The tattoo agenda:
Right hand, middle finger: The Green Lantern ring symbol. The symbolism is multifaceted. Green Lantern represents many things, particularly the power of making your will...
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The tattoo agenda:
Right hand, middle finger: The Green Lantern ring symbol. The symbolism is multifaceted. Green Lantern represents many things, particularly the power of making your will...
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Yeah, all good points... thanks for the advice!
Um, the Green Lantern tattoo sounds sweet.
Um, the Green Lantern tattoo sounds sweet.
I love it when people get tattoos with actual meaning.
The Bad News: My bank fucked me on my credit card and took away my 0% interest. I have to pay off a thousand bucks before I start gaining interest, and I found this out the day AFTER I just bought a new laptop. Plus I went to try and sell my XBox, and unsurprisingly, GameStop is an evil ripoff factory filled with shittyness, so...
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It was exhausting just reading all the complicated shit. Looks like you're working things out, though.
Sounds like a good summer ahead for you.
Sounds like a good summer ahead for you.
Sounds about like how it usually goes for me most of the time, hell may even be going that way now, but I just can't bring myself to care. It helps things a bit I've found.
Also I could be less ADD and actually read the full posts. Glad you get to enjoy your 4th! I get to work instead of going to see Dethklok like I should be.
Also I could be less ADD and actually read the full posts. Glad you get to enjoy your 4th! I get to work instead of going to see Dethklok like I should be.
NYC was pretty sweet. I didn't do a lot of the traditional first-time-in-New-York stuff, but I did eat at a restaurant staffed by ninjas. It was expensive, and not very filling, and I went to a diner afterwards and got a burger. What can I say? I'm a simple creature with simples needs.
I also went to see "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the...
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I also went to see "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the...
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i think i just realized that you don't live in L.A.
Anyways sounds like you spent your NYC trip much better than doing the classic touristy things. Glad you had a good trip.
Movies theaters are dangerous places i guess. My friends mom didn't get to finish LOTR cause someone got shot in the theater. Some gangsta nerds out there I guess.
Anyways sounds like you spent your NYC trip much better than doing the classic touristy things. Glad you had a good trip.
Movies theaters are dangerous places i guess. My friends mom didn't get to finish LOTR cause someone got shot in the theater. Some gangsta nerds out there I guess.
Yeah, fatherhood is great. I hope you get to live it when you're ready.
All these fucking politics are wearing me out. Part of me just wants to shut everything off until November and just see what happens, but I'm addicted. On the one hand, I know more now than I ever have about the policies and stances of all the candidates involved, and on the other I get really worn out by trying to talk reasonably to people...
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You're doing a great job and service on the Liberal Politics group. Don't be discouraged.
Where is Salisbury? My daughter and grandchildren live in Mooresville.
Where is Salisbury? My daughter and grandchildren live in Mooresville.
Thank you for approving my friend request and for your comment on my blog.
fukidunno....... do you yahoo? I do.