Im honestly having the worst time right now. Saturday i witnessed a man die and today ANOTHER job has fucked me over and i'm out of work again. i've never felt so deflated in all my life.
I came to Australia wanting a new fresh start to my life, now i knew it was going to be hard but its been absolutely nothing but bullshit. I miss my family, i miss my friends and i'm just sick of always getting fuck over by companies here in Sydney. Im getting to my wits end with it.
Im sorry to be all negative but i just want something good to fucking happen :(
Sad to hear you were going through hard times babe. Be strong💓 Life gets so shitty sometimes but it never lasts forever. Hope things are better for you atm. Much love💓
A big virtual hug and try and keep smiling. Everyone else has said it all but we're all here for you, we're family 💜💐