hi my darlings!
tonight i'm tired about stupid people... i thought about meeting some good person tonight but in fact he was just a stupid bastard, i won't tell a name but i'm really disapointed. so much as i can't explain. so disapointed that we can't tell it to the staff...
just for having a lil' smile a little webcam session with my best friend on msn...
oh and i present you my new piercing... cheek piercing! ^^

G-night love
Bonne nuit
tonight i'm tired about stupid people... i thought about meeting some good person tonight but in fact he was just a stupid bastard, i won't tell a name but i'm really disapointed. so much as i can't explain. so disapointed that we can't tell it to the staff...
just for having a lil' smile a little webcam session with my best friend on msn...
oh and i present you my new piercing... cheek piercing! ^^

G-night love
Bonne nuit
There's deffinately too many bastards in the world, i guess it's the universe's sick way of making the nice people that little bit even more special? (oh yeah, go the grandma wisdom
Hope you have a lovely day *
J'aime pas trop ce piercing l mais il te va bien.
Tu as les cheveux longs maintenant? Ca te va super bien^^