Tonight is a strange night... iheard the biggest stupid things on msn by an american who think he is the best and foreigners are just shit,
I realised that i've lost someone i love the cause of one overbooked and busy month.
I ignored so other people i adore because everything is making me so strange....
and i met someone else so cute and sweet...
strange strange strange...
and at the same time i'm written this i've just received a sms on which one of my friend tells me that he loves me...
grrrr fuckin' life!
some funny shitty cam pix for being happy
good night every body
I realised that i've lost someone i love the cause of one overbooked and busy month.
I ignored so other people i adore because everything is making me so strange....
and i met someone else so cute and sweet...
strange strange strange...
and at the same time i'm written this i've just received a sms on which one of my friend tells me that he loves me...
grrrr fuckin' life!
some funny shitty cam pix for being happy
good night every body
yeah when I get the text that a friend loves me I tend to run. if I wanted them it would already happen.
Plus srieusement, tant de choses en si peu de temps cela doit vraiment tre dstabilisant mais pour celui ou celle que tu as perdu, peut-tre n'est-il pas trop tard pour recoller (mme si je ne sais pas ce qu'il s'est pass) ?
Allez, bon courage, le mieux est sans doute de faire un petit break pour rflchir calmement aux choses ou que au contraire de foncer en allant de l'avant, mme si tu n'as pas besoin de moi pour savoir ce que tu dois faire.
J'espre que tout va s'arranger