Well, today is my birthday. And it's one of those "milestone" ones. (Just check my Vital Stats and you can see which one). Honestly, when I was younger this seemed so far away, but you know what, most days I don't feel my age. I mean, I'm in the best shape of my life due to the exercise and making much better food choices. (Trust me, I still snack). The freelance music journalism is going good. (I have been doing that for a little over 20 years.) Even though, I still have to work a day job, I don't always like, I'm good at it and got a really great employee review from my boss a few days ago. Tonight, I'm meeting up with some close friends for dinner and to celebrate a little bit later. That should be fun. (There will be pictures of that later on.) Today, I just feel great. Age is truly just a number.
Thanks to everybody in this community, who has thrown a like or positive comment my way, either on the photos, posts, or on my articles. It's appreciated.
Well, enough, of me running my mouth. Have a good one.