How is everybody holding up in their parts of the world? Where I live, which is in the Northeastern United States, we're not doing too bad with the pandemic compared to other parts of the country. We still have to follow the protocols and a lot of things still aren't happening. Work has been brutal. I work in a Whole Foods, when I'm not doing the freelance music writing, and it's been brutal. Customers are being so rude. We still have to follow strict safety procedures and a lot of them think we don't have to, or get upset because they have to wait a little longer to get their groceries. It's ridiculous. They get upset when all the small carts are being used. You wish you could tell them, look what is going on in the world and this is what you decide to get upset about. Seriously.
For me, I'm tired of all that. Tired of this pandemic. I love Fall, but it just doesn't feel like it. Life has just taken on a sad sameness. Some days I leave work, and I just get really sad thinking about all that is going on right now. Plus, I'm dealing with issues of my own. It's wearing me down.
Probably not going to get a haircut for a while. Might let it grow out a bit. Haven't had hair like this in a long time. I don't know, part of me, just doesn't care anymore. I mean, I still do my yoga and eat well, but in other parts of my life I don't give a shit. Oh, I'm still doing the music journalism. I just wish things would go back to normal. And that's not going to happen for a while. I miss seeing bands and just hanging with friends, and feeling secure.
I guess all I can do to keep it together. Is keep up with the exercise and writing. Enjoy streaming shows and movies. Listen to and buy music. And try to relax when I can. Reading helps, too.
I don't know if there is any point to this message. Just needed to rant. Hope you are all doing good, too.