On June 1, I finally go back to work. I work in a Whole Foods and was offered leave during the height of the pandemic, so I took it. Now, I'm going back after being gone since mid-March. It's going to be a lot to get used to. I'm a little miffed because my TL put me on the schedule before talking to me. I work on the front end, and I'm not looking forward to that. Trying to get another position, so I hope I get that. I really don't like working on the front end, but I need to pay bills and definitely need the insurance. So, I'm going back. Hoping to make a fresh start, or be more positive, that is difficult, it's a poorly run store. Anyway, I have some friends who work there, so it will be nice to see them, even though most of them don't work on my team. Tomorrow I go to the store to shop and see how things have changed, plus talk to my TL. I hope I can get some of what I'm looking for. If not, it's back to the same old shit, I've done for the past eight years. I mean, I show up on time, early sometimes, bust my ass, and I haven't gone to another team, yet I think that means little to them. Anyway, I need the money and insurance, so back to work I go. Going to try to enjoy this last week or so of "freedom". Haha.
I wish you good luck! I hope you get another position.
@felicity Thank You. We'll see. I went in there today to do some shopping and talk to my TL. They're going to give me a shot at being a person who shops for people and then brings it to their cars. It's all done with metrics, so if I don't maintain a certain speed, I don't do it. And it will be back to the same old stuff. So, we'll see. On the plus side, a lot of friends who work there, were happy to see me, so that was good. We'll see how it goes. It's definitely different now. I'm sure whatever happens I'll do fine. Trying to be more positive, so we'll see.