Giving the current situation that is going on the world, how is everybody holding up. I know SG encompasses many different countries and continents, and I know some were hit harder than others, so how is everybody holding up. Where I live, which is the Northeast United States. I live in the State Of Connecticut. They've already closed down most non-essential stores, and only keeping the essential ones open while encouraging people to stay home, which is what I've been doing. I went grocery shopping yesterday and that drove me up a wall, but I got it done.
I'm trying to fill my time doing my DDP Yoga, listening to music, watching shows and movies on streaming services (Hunters is a current fave) and doing my writing. I actually have a couple of articles due soon. Passed in one today. Will admit, like most people out there, I'm feeling a high level of anxiety over what comes next. Luckily, my therapist is doing phone sessions, so I'm lucky in that regard.
So, basically, I'm just checking in and inquiring about how people are coping.
Hope you all are safe and healthy.