Well, basically, I've just been busy. It's a holiday season and my "day" job, while I do the writing is at a high end grocery store (Ok..it's a Whole Foods), and it's been very busy. Ridiculously so. Plus, I had some family situations to deal with. My mom had knee replacement surgery last week, but is healing up fine and should be home soon. (Did I ever mention she also has MS). As far as the writing goes, there should be a new full length feature running soon. I passed it in over a month ago, but the magazine's copy editor stepped down for health reasons. They are fine, but I'm going to miss them. So, they had to bring in a new copy editor, and get him up to speed in order to put out the magazine. Though, in the meantime, I'm going to do a year end Best Of list for them, which I'm hoping to pass in by this weekend or the beginning of next week at the latest. Plus, I've been feeling a bit of the seasonal depression. I alternately love and hate this time of year. (I might explain this in another post.) So, for those who follow me and enjoy the writing, it's coming. In the meantime, try to enjoy this time of year the best you can. I will.
I wish a good recovery to your mother, and I hope you have a good Holiday, despite your seasonal depression.
@felicity Thank You very much. My mom is actually coming home from the rehab facility earlier than expected, so she will be around for Christmas. I also had a good day at work, so that helped.