I watched The Butterfly effect the other day, and if you overlook all of the time travel plot holes, it was an alright movie. I was very suprised by Ashton's acting. Much better than I would have figured him capable.
I just now got done watching Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but then I also enjoyed Snatch and Mean Machine. Just a good bunch of actors and fun stories.
Other news. I work three jobs now, so my time is limited for anythign besides work. I hope to change this soon though. Even though I am working three jobs and they are all physical labor, I am getting chubbier I think. I have never really been chubby ever, so this is really weird for me. I now weigh about a hundred and fifty pounds, and that is the most I have ever weighed yet in my life.
I am coping though.
I am far behind in my list of mx's that I am supposed to be working on, and also even simply in e-mails. Damn Capitalism! Now I remember why I so happily sport a full size back patch of the excellently named (and just all araound great) band named Capitalist Casualties. I am working on becming one of those casualties.
Symarip "Skinhead Moonstomp"
Zero Hour "In Shackles Of The Human Skin"
Harum Scarum "As Civilians Die"
I watched The Butterfly effect the other day, and if you overlook all of the time travel plot holes, it was an alright movie. I was very suprised by Ashton's acting. Much better than I would have figured him capable.
I just now got done watching Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but then I also enjoyed Snatch and Mean Machine. Just a good bunch of actors and fun stories.
Other news. I work three jobs now, so my time is limited for anythign besides work. I hope to change this soon though. Even though I am working three jobs and they are all physical labor, I am getting chubbier I think. I have never really been chubby ever, so this is really weird for me. I now weigh about a hundred and fifty pounds, and that is the most I have ever weighed yet in my life.
I am coping though.
I am far behind in my list of mx's that I am supposed to be working on, and also even simply in e-mails. Damn Capitalism! Now I remember why I so happily sport a full size back patch of the excellently named (and just all araound great) band named Capitalist Casualties. I am working on becming one of those casualties.
Symarip "Skinhead Moonstomp"
Zero Hour "In Shackles Of The Human Skin"
Harum Scarum "As Civilians Die"
yeah with pain pills there is a fine line between feelin' good and feelin' like you're swirling down the toilet bowl.