I went and saw Dawn Of The Dead Saturday morning. The only reason I didn't see it on opening day was because I didn't get back in town early enough to catch the last showing. I grew up on the original and hold it in high regard, but this new adaption was equally good. It is almost nothing like the original, except the mall aspect. It was shot very well, has amusing dialog, and has a good use of weapons. A few plot line details were crappy, but they get swallowed up easily by everything else that they did do right.
I have a good start on the kitchen area. The cabinet is nearly completed, I just need to install the shelves and glue down the counter top. I am also putting wheels on it so it can be moved out of the way in case the space is needed (and it will be easier to clean around).
I have all of the carpet, padding, tackboards, and old glue removed. I still need to grind off the tops of the concrete nails and sand over the stumps. I am going to look at flooring tomorrow, I will prolly go with a not too expensive tile.
I just helped install a new toilet in the bathroom also. The other one was leaking and besides causing a mess, it was greatly affecting the utility bill. I am also working on redoing the bathroom. I am working on the plans and details now, so I don't have two projects going at once.
Between my two jobs and all of this personal remodeling work, I have very little time for anything.
Mew "Misplaced"
New Zealand Rugby Team 'The Haka (Maori war Chant)"
I went and saw Dawn Of The Dead Saturday morning. The only reason I didn't see it on opening day was because I didn't get back in town early enough to catch the last showing. I grew up on the original and hold it in high regard, but this new adaption was equally good. It is almost nothing like the original, except the mall aspect. It was shot very well, has amusing dialog, and has a good use of weapons. A few plot line details were crappy, but they get swallowed up easily by everything else that they did do right.
I have a good start on the kitchen area. The cabinet is nearly completed, I just need to install the shelves and glue down the counter top. I am also putting wheels on it so it can be moved out of the way in case the space is needed (and it will be easier to clean around).
I have all of the carpet, padding, tackboards, and old glue removed. I still need to grind off the tops of the concrete nails and sand over the stumps. I am going to look at flooring tomorrow, I will prolly go with a not too expensive tile.
I just helped install a new toilet in the bathroom also. The other one was leaking and besides causing a mess, it was greatly affecting the utility bill. I am also working on redoing the bathroom. I am working on the plans and details now, so I don't have two projects going at once.
Between my two jobs and all of this personal remodeling work, I have very little time for anything.
Mew "Misplaced"
New Zealand Rugby Team 'The Haka (Maori war Chant)"
My favorite part is pealing off the blue painter's tape...