I was watching an episode of Batman: Brave and the Bold the other day and it was an episode featuring Bat-Mite and the Joker and I was ecstatic to see that the Joker's four henchmen were larger black and white goons modeled after some of my favorite classic comedic actors: Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin and the best friend duo of Buster Keaton and Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle! Simple things like that make my day sometimes, to see the greats remembered so fondly.
I couldn't find any image grabs, but this is a little clip with Bat-Mite and a flapper girl version of Harley Quinn:
Empror Joker! Excerpt
Also on the watching table, Walking Dead finally premiered on AMC last night! It turned out very well and the first episode did a good job of staying faithful to the comic. I was worried the make-up might be cheap and that there would only be implied gore, but both were very satisfying. Most of the zombies looked very good, showing varying stages of decay, making it obvious which were newly dead and which were original battle and weather worn dead. The gore was present and in full effect with blood and brain matter used liberally.

I was watching an episode of Batman: Brave and the Bold the other day and it was an episode featuring Bat-Mite and the Joker and I was ecstatic to see that the Joker's four henchmen were larger black and white goons modeled after some of my favorite classic comedic actors: Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin and the best friend duo of Buster Keaton and Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle! Simple things like that make my day sometimes, to see the greats remembered so fondly.
I couldn't find any image grabs, but this is a little clip with Bat-Mite and a flapper girl version of Harley Quinn:
Empror Joker! Excerpt
Also on the watching table, Walking Dead finally premiered on AMC last night! It turned out very well and the first episode did a good job of staying faithful to the comic. I was worried the make-up might be cheap and that there would only be implied gore, but both were very satisfying. Most of the zombies looked very good, showing varying stages of decay, making it obvious which were newly dead and which were original battle and weather worn dead. The gore was present and in full effect with blood and brain matter used liberally.

Alright, I am coming down with something. Need to lay down and read a bit.
Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
Walking Dead tv series
Matt & Kim "Sidewalks"
B.A. Johnston "Thank You for Being a Friend"
Broken Records "Let Me Come Home"
Bundles "The Bundles"
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition (again)