So, it has come to that wonderful time of year where I travel out of geekdom and into the usually geek resistant world of sports. I am a huge fan of football, especially of NFL football. I have lived my entire life in Wisconsin, and while it is not impossible by any means, it can be difficult not to end up a Green Bay Packers fan. I love to watch and play football alike. I still think hardcore fans of anything sports or comics or books, it all falls into geekdom.
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 08, 2010
Allo, Been sick for several days now, mostly just a head cold. Most l… -
Friday Aug 20, 2010
Allo. I have a habit of not writing in general, but when I do it is u… -
Thursday May 13, 2010
Allo. I am up to mx cd #46, so this entry puts me with in ten of fina… -
Thursday Apr 08, 2010
Stomach issues keeping me awake. Continuance of mx cd lists. -------… -
Monday Mar 29, 2010
A few more mxes: ----------Mx 30: Corner Booth---------- 01. Discoun… -
Thursday Jan 07, 2010
I just finished mx 43 and am currently underway on 44, so I have step… -
Wednesday Jan 06, 2010
Here are three more mx cd track lists to continue in form. After that… -
Sunday Dec 20, 2009
Nearly done with all the Christmas shopping. Ten or so more people to… -
Thursday Dec 10, 2009
After a good dumping of nearly eighteen inches of snow and then a dee… -
Thursday Nov 26, 2009
I am behind. I like to post the track lists for my mx cds for later r…