This damned Graves' Disease is kicking my ass. For the months that totaled nearly a year of increased symptoms and side effects, that eventually lead me to the doctor's office for tests and diagnosis, things were terrible. Then after it being guessed at and eventually confirmed that I had a thyroid problem, I was told it was a specific one that is relatively simple called Graves' Disease and that medication would be ale to keep me in check and that eventually they could just irradiate the thyroid and destroy it so that I could just take synthetic thyroid hormones and switch from one type of thyroid problem (I am considered in the Hyperthyroidism category) to a different type of thyroid problem (Hypothyroid) and it was implied that I would no longer have Graves' Disease.
Now after being on medication, I am finding out that this is a much more serious and bothersome disease than they let on. This is a life long thing that causes many more problems down the line regardless of treatments. You never actually cure the Graves' Disease, you just subdue it. The medications have so many side effects and I am not only on medication for the disease itself, but now I am on two medications just to treat the symptoms. All of it is kicking my ass. I have always had mental issues, but now between the diseases natural mental side effect that basically cause you to be bi-polar, the medication can increase this feeling or just cause it to come and go more sporadically. I am on blood pressure medicine because the disease has caused my heart rate to rise to a level of twice that of normal healthy adults and these of course have their own side effects one of which includes erectile dysfunction. Yay! Not that I have anyone to use the damn thing with right now, saying Allison dumped me coldly and abruptly after four years (GRRRRR I have to stop mentioning that and just fucking forget her). Well, now I am on anti-seizure medication to prevent the numbness in my legs and feet from spreading to other areas and just stop it in general, and these pills are kicking my ass.
All of my pills are of a higher dose than what others start at or even go up to. All of it has made a real mess of me physically and I am just fucking crashing mentally. Add in all sorts of other factors, and I am just glad I haven't snuffed it yet. Sorry, got a little dark there. Everything is just a mess though. I need to get off of here though as the clacking of the keyboard is killing my head and so is the brightness of the screen. Man, these new pills make you feel like you have exceeded your alcohol intake, giving me the familiar symptoms of a hangover (headache, cotton mouth, sensitive to noise and light, dizziness) and all without the wonderful time of drinking and enjoying the sweet taste of beer the night before.
Damned health problems.
Sorry, the next blog will be movies, comics, music, and all that sort of thing. Much more chipper.
Cheers, Bini.
Now after being on medication, I am finding out that this is a much more serious and bothersome disease than they let on. This is a life long thing that causes many more problems down the line regardless of treatments. You never actually cure the Graves' Disease, you just subdue it. The medications have so many side effects and I am not only on medication for the disease itself, but now I am on two medications just to treat the symptoms. All of it is kicking my ass. I have always had mental issues, but now between the diseases natural mental side effect that basically cause you to be bi-polar, the medication can increase this feeling or just cause it to come and go more sporadically. I am on blood pressure medicine because the disease has caused my heart rate to rise to a level of twice that of normal healthy adults and these of course have their own side effects one of which includes erectile dysfunction. Yay! Not that I have anyone to use the damn thing with right now, saying Allison dumped me coldly and abruptly after four years (GRRRRR I have to stop mentioning that and just fucking forget her). Well, now I am on anti-seizure medication to prevent the numbness in my legs and feet from spreading to other areas and just stop it in general, and these pills are kicking my ass.
All of my pills are of a higher dose than what others start at or even go up to. All of it has made a real mess of me physically and I am just fucking crashing mentally. Add in all sorts of other factors, and I am just glad I haven't snuffed it yet. Sorry, got a little dark there. Everything is just a mess though. I need to get off of here though as the clacking of the keyboard is killing my head and so is the brightness of the screen. Man, these new pills make you feel like you have exceeded your alcohol intake, giving me the familiar symptoms of a hangover (headache, cotton mouth, sensitive to noise and light, dizziness) and all without the wonderful time of drinking and enjoying the sweet taste of beer the night before.
Damned health problems.
Sorry, the next blog will be movies, comics, music, and all that sort of thing. Much more chipper.
Cheers, Bini.