Cover by Vasilis Lolos
How is this not the best selling comic book? It is so very bad ass, from the covers, to the art, to the writing.
Pirates of Coney Island #1 Free Online Full Comic

cover by Becky Cloonan
A sample of the art and story. The art is by a greek named Vasilis Lolos and the words come from Rick Spears.

Becky Cloonan's Art
Becky Cloonan's Blog
Becky Cloonan Interview
Vasilis Lolos' Art
Vasilis Lolos' Blog
Rick Spears Interview
Dude, thanks for reading. I am really enjoying DMZ and I guess I'm glad to hear that there's more coming, but it did really seem like it would have been a good ending. Also, I was suspicious because Brian Wood has never done an ongoing series that I know of.
Pirates looks pretty rockin, my girlfriend is way into it and she has all the issues so I can easily check it out without spending any dough. Great feature you've done here what with all the images and links. Keep it up!
Also, the latest issue of Previews solicited a new series written and drawn by Lolos. I forgot the title but if you haven't heard of this I'll look into it.
I LOVE PIRATES OF CONEY ISLAND. I was tempted to collect both covers but then I went with CoverA everytime because (deep breath before embarassing myself) I wanted the cover art to be consistant with the interiors for the entire collection. (Exhale)
So thinking along the lines of things like Pirates of the Coney Island, what else would you reccomend?
Thanks for mentioning this underappriciated but toatlly awsome comic!
EDIT: SO they did both of their webpages in identical formatting with different images?