Air pressure caused me to wake with dried blood down my face and a killer headache. Walked out of my house this morning and the snow and sunlight were so violently shining, like those really crazy photographs you see, i had to return for some pretentious shades [it's hard to look elegant wearing fake fur, New Rocks and shades in the snow...] and continue my walk wearing reflective iridescent sunglasses. The day dawdled, we had all the rudeboys brawling so i sprayed them with foam cleaner [for cleaning hardware] like you spray fighting dogs and it broke them up coz they thought it was mace. however it's spelt. most entertaining, though i told them i'd call the police if they continued beating the crap outta each other in hardware and told them to take their dispute to the games section. i harassed enough people that mark was sent over from bromley to console me in our lack of staff. most excellent, we made out across the counter which also served to break up the fighting as we became more interesting to ridicule. marvellous!! getting home was a nightmare. one train got cancelled, another delayed then my phone rang as i embarked and i was distracted into losing my mittens. my headache really hadnt improved over the course of the day and by now i was in tears of frustration, perpetuated because they ran warm. walking home the snow crunches like its so proud of itself underfoot, all substantial and temporarily real. small compacted areas of ice make you skid like a water boatman, all legs and concentration. i was angry with the snow for being so cold and challenging, but then as i looked at the orange and blue shadows i saw it sparkling like a fruit store floor, that used to fascinate me for hours when i was a kid. and evidently it still does! i followed the path home mesmerised by the amount of glitter nature is apparently capable of naturally producing. hundreds of tiny lamplit crystals like a snowy fairyland at night, it's so beautiful. it's always hard to stay mad at anything beautiful.
fang ewe for the birthday wishes cutie-pie