Clare i feel like shit. although today is the first sunny day i have seen in many a moon and perhaps this will be incredibly condusive to a Positive Mental Attitude [i like to think so]. but i still feel melancholic. maybe it was something i ate or maybe i'm just sad. i definitely will go out today, allegedly going outside in winter gains you 40% more light exposure than if you stay in with artificial lighting, which is pretty mad given how dark it always is outside! but worth knowing. we used to have one of those sun boxes actually that radiates UV. not sure why.
i'm gonna get mark to do something crazy with me today, maybe find a place to go horseriding. i've developed this really heavy obsession with horses and getting back into riding, i keep dreaming about it and when i see one i get really wistful. maybe that's why i'm getting low. unfulfilled obsessions are generally pretty exhausting so could well be...
payday is on friday. i had forgotten this and it is a light at the end of the tunnel to some degree. it is my birthday on saturday in 13 days time. that makes me a capricorn and due a weekend off work. wanna do something like go on a tour of england?
i need to make music again. anyone wanna redesign my website for free?
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our souls
There walks a Lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll...
Gotta love a bit of Stairway. I can play and sing along, won't you join me?
i'm gonna get mark to do something crazy with me today, maybe find a place to go horseriding. i've developed this really heavy obsession with horses and getting back into riding, i keep dreaming about it and when i see one i get really wistful. maybe that's why i'm getting low. unfulfilled obsessions are generally pretty exhausting so could well be...
payday is on friday. i had forgotten this and it is a light at the end of the tunnel to some degree. it is my birthday on saturday in 13 days time. that makes me a capricorn and due a weekend off work. wanna do something like go on a tour of england?
i need to make music again. anyone wanna redesign my website for free?
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our souls
There walks a Lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll...
Gotta love a bit of Stairway. I can play and sing along, won't you join me?
you better be coming to the birthdaystraveganza!
[Edited on Jan 05, 2003]
this petty stuff should be beneath you.
you're way too cool to bother with this immature bullshit.
still- i'll always offer a shoulder to lean on, or- better yet, a fist into that asshole's nose for making you feel sad.