today i would like to reflect on the assertion made in notes from underground [continuing my theme of LU in a totally unrelated context, how beautiful words are!] that stupid people accomplish more than intelligent people because they fail to predict consequences and thus don't fear them. i feel this way of living is undermining to intelligent people despite it being true, and henceforth i have decided to fully embrace the lifestyle of the fool. partly so that when conor oberst sings YOU'RE A FOOL in sunrise, sunset i can pretend he's singing it specially for me
but primarily so that i achieve everything my heart desires. live for the day, seize the jugular etc. i have been adopting this policy with limited success over the last few months and evidence has shown it to be genuinely productive. we endorse you we endorse you. do it. cease your apprehension and live in a series of short sharp bursts and see if you really do get through it better. Yes, sir, an intelligent man in the nineteenth century must be, is morally obliged to be, principally a characterless creature; a man possessing character, a man of action, is fundamentally a limited creature.
god this book is so GOOD! i haven't read it for months, i think tis time to retrieve it from my friend james who stole it from me only to use it as a coaster. YOU'RE A FOOL! but today i sorted out many of life's little torments and some of the bigger ones. it's a constant see-saw, i'm always so up and so down but i guess that can be a privilege too, i'd hate to not feel.

god this book is so GOOD! i haven't read it for months, i think tis time to retrieve it from my friend james who stole it from me only to use it as a coaster. YOU'RE A FOOL! but today i sorted out many of life's little torments and some of the bigger ones. it's a constant see-saw, i'm always so up and so down but i guess that can be a privilege too, i'd hate to not feel.
ps... k... it's nice too see another fool who loves kafka. by the way is the pic in your profile a char. out of an old series called seach for the city of gold... or a name close to that?