DISCLAIMER: [18/05/03] i'm now at work regretting the choice to post that profile pic but i was sooo stressing yesterday i felt like illustrating it. now i am powerless to prevent it!!
k so today really undid the good work that that bloke with the ponies had done for the surrey pikey community. what a shame.
en route to the bus stop on my way home from work, the delectable mark called me. engrossed in my phonecall, i sidestepped to avoid a thin girl with long blonde hair dressed in street sportswear who was crossing my path. but she kept in step with me, almost causing a collison, and put her face right in front of mine, inches away. 'YOU'RE SICK, YOU ARE FUCKING SICK AND TWISTED' the girl screamed at me. various similar obscenities followed. irritated at being interrupted, i made to step round her so she reached out and grabbed my face in her hand.
her palm was cool and soft on my skin and her grip was loose for aggressive physical contact with a stranger, more like a caress. i was obliged to twist her arm and push her physically out of the way, though i didn't miss a beat in the conversation. i'm sort of used to ignoring people who don't interest me so it takes a lot before i react, it made me sad that i had to exert force on the girl.
i'm not sure what motivated her because she was very slight and thin looking with only one female friend to back her up, and had i not been on the phone and had i been in a worse mood i could have floored her. especially since i was wearing new rocks that, hey, could cause concussion on impact. she must have been feeling incredibly insecure to feel that the need for validation outweighed her fear of a beating. it makes me happy to see people like this because it reminds me how not to behave and what a happy and good life i actually have. i would hate to have to attack people verbally or physically to make me feel good, because in doing so i would be making myself an even less relevant person.
what got me was that i wasn't particularly provocatively dressed or anything. besides the new rocks which lets face it were her worst opponent anyway. check out my pics to see what i was wearing today and observe with wonder how little they cry out 'i am a sicko'.
they say you need to experience suffering to appreciate joy; well i'm glad i only have to experience her suffering, and look, now you do too!
k so today really undid the good work that that bloke with the ponies had done for the surrey pikey community. what a shame.
en route to the bus stop on my way home from work, the delectable mark called me. engrossed in my phonecall, i sidestepped to avoid a thin girl with long blonde hair dressed in street sportswear who was crossing my path. but she kept in step with me, almost causing a collison, and put her face right in front of mine, inches away. 'YOU'RE SICK, YOU ARE FUCKING SICK AND TWISTED' the girl screamed at me. various similar obscenities followed. irritated at being interrupted, i made to step round her so she reached out and grabbed my face in her hand.
her palm was cool and soft on my skin and her grip was loose for aggressive physical contact with a stranger, more like a caress. i was obliged to twist her arm and push her physically out of the way, though i didn't miss a beat in the conversation. i'm sort of used to ignoring people who don't interest me so it takes a lot before i react, it made me sad that i had to exert force on the girl.
i'm not sure what motivated her because she was very slight and thin looking with only one female friend to back her up, and had i not been on the phone and had i been in a worse mood i could have floored her. especially since i was wearing new rocks that, hey, could cause concussion on impact. she must have been feeling incredibly insecure to feel that the need for validation outweighed her fear of a beating. it makes me happy to see people like this because it reminds me how not to behave and what a happy and good life i actually have. i would hate to have to attack people verbally or physically to make me feel good, because in doing so i would be making myself an even less relevant person.
what got me was that i wasn't particularly provocatively dressed or anything. besides the new rocks which lets face it were her worst opponent anyway. check out my pics to see what i was wearing today and observe with wonder how little they cry out 'i am a sicko'.
they say you need to experience suffering to appreciate joy; well i'm glad i only have to experience her suffering, and look, now you do too!

Seen "Easy Rider" ? Always loved the part when Nicholson tells the 2 hippy bikers, after they were about to be lynched in a motorway dinner: "You know, they're not afraid of you but they hate you because you represent all the freedom they'll never find the courage to get for themselves" Always kept that in mind everytime I was/am given shit.
fah-reaky ...maybe she had a tumor in hre noggin.
anywho, good to see you're back and active