So I've had the last two days off work. Wed and Thurs. Some times I forget what it's like to have a day off. Last two days have been fairley productive. Yesterday I did a tune up on my car. I changed the plugs, plug wires, oil and filter, fluids, checked tire pressure and found no cracks in any of the belts. After that I washed and detailed the inside and out. So maybe yesterday was love thy car day, either way it desperately needed it. So far today I have'nt done a whole lot. Woke up, took a shower, went for a run, worked out a little, drank tons of water, drank a smoothie from jamba juice, ran some errands, ate lunch, smoked, pondered why my cat is so annoying today, and now, I'm rambling on about the last two days of my life to people that don't even know me. Actually, there are only a few people who leave comments in my journal, so I guess this jibber jabber is for you. You know who you are. Honestly, I don't really care if people leave comments or not. Although, it is kinda cool to log in a find a comment. It's like coming home to messages on the answering machine. I do realize that just because people don't leave comments does'nt mean that they don't visit my little space on the web. I know, because I do exactly that, go to someones page and not leave a comment. So, this is like the the tree falling in the forest, if nobody reads this, does it even exist? My good friend and his wife Andrea just had their first baby the other day. He was born on the 27th at 9:06 am. He was 9.9 lbs and named Elijah Cash. Thank god everything went well and Andrea and Elijah are doing fine. Damn, that kind of responsibility trips me out right now. Well I guess I'm done with my jibber jabber now. Alright I think I have rambled on enough now. The thought of none of this being ever read is still bothering me. Why am I typing all this, when it is more than likely not going to be recieved by anyone? Maybe I was that bored. Take care.
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