I think it is safe to venture out of the house, now that xmas is over. Traffic and crowd dysfunction. Too many people driving like complete assholes. Running redlights, running yellow lights, crossing in front of me, blocking the intersection, cutting in line, $80 to fill up your escalade, mother with 5 screaming kids wanting happy meals. I'm glad it's over.
I'm really not the grinch, but I can only take so much xmas B.S. Regardless I hope everyone had a nice xmas with whoever and wherever you spent it. Since you asked, I spent mine with my housemate and his ex girlfriend. We ate, smoked and drank too much. Comatose, too much of everything.
I have no idea what I am doing for new years eve, although I am excited to see what the new year brings. I don't really subscribe to new years resolutions. life is a resolution. Plus, whenever I do make one, I'm all about it for about a week, then back to same old habits.
If I were to make resolutions they would be:
1. The freelance work to be in abundance.
2. The band: for us to actually get our shit together.
3. Get the "project car."
4. See a FUGAZI show, if there are any.
5. Quit smoking ( for good, not just a week )
6. Find a kick ass lady.
If I can accomplish all these things, I'll be happy as a pig in shit.
I'm out.
I'm so glad Christmas is over. It seems to bring out the worst in people.