Oh Pandora, how I love thee.
You always know which bands to play on my channels
and you never let me down.
the wild cards you throw me more oft than not I enjoy
and the thumbs down never come again.
I have found more great band thru you than I could have thought
and saved me money on cds not bought.
AHHHH so many muscles to learn!!
Anatomy and physio isnt a joke.
at the moment I have to learn the muscles and bones of the pelvic girdle, their origins/insertions, and be able to label them on our cadavers. (thats right, I get to play with cadavers. Jelly? you should be)
I just had a test on the pectoral girdle with knowing the muscles and bones;... Read More
So, the best way to win a soccer match is to apparently have the other team walk off the field and refuse to play. Sorry your guy got checked into the boards(not really sorry), but is that any reason to throw a fit about the other player? Fucking crybabies I tell ya, but oh well a win is a win in my book.
so working outside when its -1 is not fun. I dislike chipping away icicles from my face. Not to mention it's fucking cold and I dont have any wind shelter at work. But alas it pays the bills and nothing a nice hot shower wont cure.
Aside from that, it's friday and that means it's soccer night; and the pain from my leg has decided... Read More
tonight soccer. Tomorrow 18+hrs of drinking, cereal tossing, twister playing shenanigans in Chicago. Oh the anticipation. Lets hope I dont die again this year.
hey all. So I joined an indoor soccer league with some friends recently and while they've played the last few weeks I played my first game friday night. Let me just tell you That shit is no joke, haha. I havent played soccer in atleast a decade and my cardio is..well I have no cardio it would seem. I died out there on the field,... Read More
I still have faith in buying cds. $1.37 got me a cd, a bonus acoustic cd, bonus making of dvd, 3 posters, and 4 collector guitar picks. Fuck yeah. this is how a good day starts.
was up and moving about before noon today, almost peculiarity these days; especially since I was up til 6am wasting time doing nothing productive. Had a fairly good weekend thus far: drinks, bonfire, SLAPCUP, and good friends. Now to kill some time before I take advantage of this weather and do some grilling out.