Todays subject is monogamy. I think most of us spend a great deal of time in search of the perfect partner. The perfect lover. The true romantic. The filthy rich. The responsible father/mother of your children. The filosopher with all the answers. The best friend. The trusting no matter what.
Are we chasing a pipe dream?
Does this person exist? Would you fit in on...
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i thought men were'nt suposed to be so sensitive. i was just kidding, dang.
ooh! ooh! an insight-
Ever noticed that as you get to know someone of the opposite sex, they also become more physically attractive to you? I s'pose this is just an example of the "adaptiveness" I mentioned.
So here is my first Blog entry. It's about love and sex and I want you to chip in your thoughts.
Every singel time I have had sex with a girl I have been in love. I say like the the noble Gian Giacomo Casanova of 18'th century Venice (not the beach): "I have had hundreds of women, and I loved them all."
Ok, you...
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hey! thank you for the well wishes. i had a long interview with a vice president and it lasted an hour. he asked me all these questions and you know the ones to tripp ya up but i slammed it yo! im impressed with the blog entry.-vhott