i clicked the cancel button on here for the first time in four years. i suppose i can be persuaded to unclick it. but im just not feeling this site the way i used to. i have until july to decide, so don't get your panties in a twist. and i swear this isn't just a cry for attention or help. if i disapear from here, i can always be reached here. i would love to remain in all of your lives. seriously. 
so i saw all 5 best picture nominees in one day. and i have to say, this is the first year i can remember where i liked all 5 nominees. There Will Be Blood was amazing. it should have won. but i love the cohen bros. Atonement was way more amazing than i thought it would be (the Normandie beach shot in one take rivaled the shot in Goodfellas.) i absolutely think that kira knightley is the sexiest woman alive and a phenomenal actress. and Juno was the cutest film about teenage pregnancy EVER.
what's up with you? i miss all of you.

so i saw all 5 best picture nominees in one day. and i have to say, this is the first year i can remember where i liked all 5 nominees. There Will Be Blood was amazing. it should have won. but i love the cohen bros. Atonement was way more amazing than i thought it would be (the Normandie beach shot in one take rivaled the shot in Goodfellas.) i absolutely think that kira knightley is the sexiest woman alive and a phenomenal actress. and Juno was the cutest film about teenage pregnancy EVER.
what's up with you? i miss all of you.
mostly when there isn't a great deal going on.
hope you find some cool groups and peeps to keep you interested.