i really really want this...

they have it at that store FYE (that overpriced music store that took over most Tower Records locations) but it's $50.00!! i may still have to get it. we'll see.
and check this out...when i was a kid i saw this halloween special called The Halloween that Almost Wasn't. doesn't that sound like every Christmas special you've ever seen? well, this one has Judd Hirsch (fromTaxi) as Dracula. i hadn't seen this since i was like 10, but i found it on youtube.
it's terrible, but i think you all need to watch it. here it is.

they have it at that store FYE (that overpriced music store that took over most Tower Records locations) but it's $50.00!! i may still have to get it. we'll see.
and check this out...when i was a kid i saw this halloween special called The Halloween that Almost Wasn't. doesn't that sound like every Christmas special you've ever seen? well, this one has Judd Hirsch (fromTaxi) as Dracula. i hadn't seen this since i was like 10, but i found it on youtube.
it's terrible, but i think you all need to watch it. here it is.
I still can't see that without thinking about how scared I was as a kid when my older brother made me watch it with him. Only movie I was ever really frightened by. Random. Good luck in the acquisition. Thanks for the add.
Thanks so much!! I've decided that SG = the best ever at making a girl feel special on her birthday. For reals. It's been like CONSTANT Happy Birthdays!