so, tonight was the first date with the girl from work. yeah sorry, chuck, but i don't think i'll be going on a second date with her. when i got there, she was with a group of her friends. she pulled me aside and said she hoped it was alright, they just showed up and she had no idea they were going to be there. but her friends turned out to be awesome. i had a blast talking to them. they're all really cynical with a twisted sense of humor and i instantly liked them. they're all really nerdy too. but, when they left her and i started talking a bit. she would ask me a question and then make fun of my answer. she was just trying to be cute and funny, but she did this all night long. she also closed her eyes when she talked to me. that was very distracting and kinda weird. who does that? bah! i'm a little disappointed, but i'm sure i'll get over it really quick. now, what do i tell her if she calls and wants to hang out again?

its such a bummer when that happens!
i used to tease guys alot like that and only now
do i realize how unattractive that is..
hopefully she will grow out of it..
but as far as youre concerned..
there are plenty of fish in the sea..