Though sometimes i curse it to no end, Facebook is certainly great for one thing. My interweb trolling friends find great stuff to post on their profiles that i otherwise would never discover. Though there are times when the interweb sucks up my time and life, i don't really search around it all that much unless i have a specific task.
That said this is a wonderful read from the UK Guardian a friend posted.
But what do they do with their legs?
"But Mum," Mulan asked with tractor-beam focus, "how can this ever happen? I mean, men and women, they can never be naked together."
"Well," I explained, "when people are older much, much older than a kid when they are older and they both decide they want to, in very certain circumstances, like if they're in love with each other, well, then, they can be naked together."
"But how do they know when?" Mulan asked. "Does the man say, 'Is now the time to take off my pants?'"
That said this is a wonderful read from the UK Guardian a friend posted.
But what do they do with their legs?
"But Mum," Mulan asked with tractor-beam focus, "how can this ever happen? I mean, men and women, they can never be naked together."
"Well," I explained, "when people are older much, much older than a kid when they are older and they both decide they want to, in very certain circumstances, like if they're in love with each other, well, then, they can be naked together."
"But how do they know when?" Mulan asked. "Does the man say, 'Is now the time to take off my pants?'"

I don't sketch anymore since I work completely self sufficient, meaning: I do everything by myself, so I don't need sketches to "explain" the design to anyone, since I develop and sew the clothes anyway. So it goes from my head directly to the item.