WARNING: Heavy Photo post, filled with pets, disneyland, and well, that's it. I'll leave the food pics for another post.
And LeTigra wins! He's a Xoloitzcuintle, also known as a Mexican Hairless.
Everyone, meet Syd:
I took him to the park... he hid under a towel...
He's awesome. Shy, but coming around. He's not used to the big city, or to the cooler weather. We rescued him down in Southern CA, Riverside to be exact. Just to give you an idea of what it's like there- over the weekend it was 112 degrees. Though this was a record high, it's still generally really hot there. And dry. Poor guys skin was all sorts of fucked. We're just now getting it under control a bit.
While we're on the topic of my kids (read animals) I don't think I ever posted a pic of the new boys. Everyone meet Freak, Norm(al), and Yuuki
Freak and Yuuki (the white one)
Norm boxing a q-tip
and to not be forgotten of course are our everlasting ratties: Patch and Stan. They'll be three years old in two months.
So a week after we picked up Syd from SoCA, we drove down again the next weekend to go to Bats Day at Disneyland. It was gothtastic.
That only shows about half of the people who came. there were a bunch of people on the other side of all of them, and on the sides. Not to mention the people who showed up later in the day (pic was taken at 1pm). Had a blast.
Oh and for those who don't believe that good things happen at DL unless you're a 6 year old kid, chew on this for a minute:
Part of the million dreams promotion they're doing this year. I'd like to say that some DL employee gave them to us, but no. Two really awesome little girls came running up to us and gave them to us. Which I suppose is even better. There were also some California fast passes on there, but since we didn't go to CA we gave them to some other people. Spreading the love. Because of those passes, and because of some awesome software called RIDEMAX, we were able to ride Space Mountain three times and only waited about 5 minutes each time. The normal waiting time was 60min. Suckers.
Seriously, if you go to disneyland download RIDEMAX. It's the best thing you'll ever do for your sanity.
In other news, we saw some good shows the last month. Combichrist was lovely, and so was Slayer/Marilyn Manson.
I'm excited for Halloween. There's parties to be planned.
And LeTigra wins! He's a Xoloitzcuintle, also known as a Mexican Hairless.
Everyone, meet Syd:
I took him to the park... he hid under a towel...
He's awesome. Shy, but coming around. He's not used to the big city, or to the cooler weather. We rescued him down in Southern CA, Riverside to be exact. Just to give you an idea of what it's like there- over the weekend it was 112 degrees. Though this was a record high, it's still generally really hot there. And dry. Poor guys skin was all sorts of fucked. We're just now getting it under control a bit.
While we're on the topic of my kids (read animals) I don't think I ever posted a pic of the new boys. Everyone meet Freak, Norm(al), and Yuuki
Freak and Yuuki (the white one)
Norm boxing a q-tip
and to not be forgotten of course are our everlasting ratties: Patch and Stan. They'll be three years old in two months.
So a week after we picked up Syd from SoCA, we drove down again the next weekend to go to Bats Day at Disneyland. It was gothtastic.
That only shows about half of the people who came. there were a bunch of people on the other side of all of them, and on the sides. Not to mention the people who showed up later in the day (pic was taken at 1pm). Had a blast.
Oh and for those who don't believe that good things happen at DL unless you're a 6 year old kid, chew on this for a minute:
Part of the million dreams promotion they're doing this year. I'd like to say that some DL employee gave them to us, but no. Two really awesome little girls came running up to us and gave them to us. Which I suppose is even better. There were also some California fast passes on there, but since we didn't go to CA we gave them to some other people. Spreading the love. Because of those passes, and because of some awesome software called RIDEMAX, we were able to ride Space Mountain three times and only waited about 5 minutes each time. The normal waiting time was 60min. Suckers.
Seriously, if you go to disneyland download RIDEMAX. It's the best thing you'll ever do for your sanity.
In other news, we saw some good shows the last month. Combichrist was lovely, and so was Slayer/Marilyn Manson.
I'm excited for Halloween. There's parties to be planned.
small dog and rats which all want your complete attention... at the same time
I totally wish we could go to the dog park together. My dog was so terrified he actually managed to climb onto my back.